Our process

We make it insanely easy to get great results

We’ve spent over a decade crafting the perfect process to design, build and launch high-performance technology marketing campaigns and content in the easiest possible way for our customers. Our mission is to make your life easier while improving your ROI. It's a mission we take very seriously.

Roadmap Planning

Our roadmap and action planing process involves understanding your core opportunities and challenges, then defining the strategy and work streams required to improve marketing performance, creating a tailored action plan for success.


Once our strategic roadmap is complete, we guide you through a series of low-stress planning and calibration phases to implement all our roadmap items from tech improvements to targeted, engaging messaging that resonates with the right prospects.

Creative / Media Production

After finalizing concepts and calibration, we create the final creative versions and handle media placement and launch. The process is seamless, providing you with all the assets and access to source files.

Continuous Improvement

We continuously optimize campaigns, messaging, and marketing tech to drive the expected outcomes. Customer surveys after each project help us improve and identify areas to make the process smoother for both Mighty & True and our clients.

The FlowOS Dashboard

We built the operating system for tech marketing

Our goal was ambitious: to simplify the typically stressful, chaotic, and sometimes completely unhinged process of creating great marketing for technology marketers. To achieve this, we went to the drawing board and devised FlowOS, our operating system that runs all of our hassle-free customer projects from beginning to end.

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A single place for all our work

FlowOS is your one-stop for all your M&T projects. You’ll never have to search for a missing asset or timeline in email again.

Easy-to-follow milestones

Our customers don’t like to be bothered with the details. So, we give them the milestones and they leave all the sausage-making to us.

A simple way to proof your work

Gone are the days of hopping on a call to proof work. We’ve built an asynchronous proofing system that saves clients time in their day.

All your source files forever

We’ll keep your dashboard live for the life of our relationship. Need a source file from 2 years ago to change a logo? No problem. Go get it.

Creative Snaps

Introducing creative snaps

Creative snaps are campaign assets that can be added to any base play. Snaps build on a core campaign idea and help to create targeted tech marketing that can scale over time.

  • Ad Creative
    Static ads
    Animated ads
    Digital video or social media video
  • Organic Social Media
    Static social posts
    Animated social posts
    Social media campaign extensions
  • Direct Mail
    Standard Sendoso direct mail
    Custom direct mail
  • Presentations
    Presentation design
    Template design
  • Email Design
    Email templates
    Email headers
    Full email design
  • Landing Page Design
    LP template design
    Full landing page design
    Animated web elements
  • Motion Design
    Animated videos
    Animated digital assets
  • Digital Content/Print
    Custom illustrations / designs
    White papers
    Reports and guides
    Packaging design
    Newspaper / magazine ads
    Booth designs
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Snap on animated social ads

Once your base campaign is running, add some animated ad units to increase engagement and conversion

Snap on fully-designed emails

Create an email series that leverages the base campaign core concept using an email snap

Snap on an animated video

Enhance your campaign performance with an animated video that supports your main campaign theme.

Snap on success

Creative snaps are an easy way to add additional high-performance elements to any M&T based play.

Here's what trending in creative revenue campaigns this quarter...

Animated ads

Once you have your concept created and are sending out static ads, why not snap on animated ads in the same campaign concept.

Sendoso direct mail kits

Adding on direct mail is easy and inexpensive with our DM creative snap. Our partnership with Sendoso makes extending your concept with DM a no-brainer.

Webflow landing pages

Customers are landing easy-to-build and launch MT-hosted Webflow landing pages to quickly add landing pages for their ads and offers.

Like these tech pros, we can drive revenue performance for you too

We’ve been lucky enough to work with some of the greatest technology brands in the world, as well as some that are on their way there. We did it for them. We can do the same for you.


Everything we do is meant to make it easier on you. If it’s not easy, we’re not doing our job.

How long does your process usually take?

We've built a process that streamlines the process of getting high-performance marketing campaigns out the door faster and with less hassle than traditional methods. Most tech campaign projects start with a base play that takes anywhere from 3-5 weeks to launch. After that, we start adding creative snaps like animation, direct mail, or other common high-tech marketing assets and content that can be launched in as little as 2-3 weeks.

Does your process apply to all types of projects?

It sure does. We use the same launch process for all our tech campaign plays. Though the strategies may vary, we find it extremely helpful for our team and customers to lock into a way of working that is comfortable and understood by everyone working together. Our design process includes a short intake and a no-risk action planning phase, then following phases that include concept selection, 2 calibration phases and then final production.  Easy peasy.

Do I have to pay for the FlowOS dashboard?

No. The FlowOS dashboard is there for both our teams to use. We built it (and continue to improve it) to help our customers and teams make super high-performance tech marketing easier to pull off. It's really a benefit for both of us and we would never charge customers for it. It's part of our ongoing service. Plus, FlowOS will be live for the life of your programs, so you'll have access to all your assets forever! 

What do you deliver at the end of each project?

When we reach the end of our projects, we deliver all the deliverables agreed upon during the action planning process including all final image files and copy documents, along with all source files from the project including final images, icons, photos, video files and all AI, PSD, Figma, HTML, files. We aren't stingy. We encourage our clients to use our source files to build more great tech marketing themselves.

How do you onboard customers on to your M&T systems?

Onboarding to the Mighty & True process is easy. Just fill out a "start a project" form and you'll receive an automated calendar scheduling link to begin discussing your project. For new clients, we have a 2 week onboarding period where we structure a series of Loom videos and video calls to get to know your brand and team. We also allow you to upload brand files and other training elements from your team into the FlowOS dashboard for easy access and reading for our team.

Still have questions?

Contact us and we’ll set up a meeting to discuss.

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Book a short 15-min demo to get more information on our easy-to-launch marketing programs. Or, click on book a demo and we’ll get a meeting scheduled to kick things off right away!

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